Farmer Collecting Crops for Harvest


We have recently launched a new product line of inhibitors for urease and nitrification. AgRHO N-Protect is developed for coating of urea or mix into liquid UAN-solution to slow down the urease process and hence avoid to high emission or too much N-leaching. AgRHO NH4-Protect is specially developed to postpone the nitrification of the nitrogen in slurry and hence reduce the leaching of NO3-N. By using these inhibitors, you will have a larger N available for the plants, improved use of the N giving higher yield and environmentally, you will reduce the leaching of nitrogen.

For foliar application we have launched 2 different tank mix additives AgRHO Ultimate and AgRho Versa Twin to optimide the use of foliar fertiliser or plant crop protection. Both products are developed to secure a far better uptake, reduce anti-bounching and anti-drift and hence optimise the efficacy of the products sprayed on the leaf.


For more information on our product range, please visit

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